Soulfit Newsletters - May 2020 - Welcome to the new normal

I don't think any of us will forget this last month for the rest of our lives.
It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, steep technical learnings &
the biggest coming together of you lovely people ever -

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey

Looking back, we've packed so much into just a few short weeks -

We’ve hosted powerful classes; opened our homes; raised our heart-rates; embraced cardio; learnt a labyrinth of technology; raised money for the NHS; cooked for the NHS; bricked it a few times; failed a few times & danced our little hearts out...

We're so grateful for the warmth, support & sheer love we've received from so many of you.  Seeing all your faces appear as little thumbnails across the screen, chatting across to each other & reminding us why you need this, has been deeply humbling...

“Thank you for creating a little bit of calm amongst this crazy storm.
It was so lovely to be on the mat, & whilst my hallway doesn’t quite have the same magic & ambience as the Soulfit studio it was still amazing...
Thank you for still delivering your top quality service despite the
massive curve ball thrown at you”


As we move forward in this new world, we're recognising that our Wellbeing is essential.  Self-care is now a priority, and we're exercising more than ever before - Wellness is no longer a 'nice to have', it's a 'have to have' 

Our workplaces are also changing, & we're already seeing a positive shift in the need to commute & be physically present at our workstations.  Prevention is now our responsibility, & maintaining a healthier lifestyle is something our employers will support - so we will continue to work harder than ever over these coming weeks & months to ensure we're offering as broad & varied a mix of Yoga, Dance & Fitness for you to access as & when you need it... x

Below we have a few updates, plus some treats & tips to help you keep moving & breathing during the remaining weeks of lockdown:

  • HITT benefits - why we believe so firmly in mixing up your weekly exercise

  • Accessing our FREE gift of yoga with a 15-minute Yoga practice with Cherry 

  • How to achieve an improved virtual experience with our Techno Smart Tips

  • Our first on-line Arm Balance Workshop

HITT/Total Body Workouts - FREE 15-minute session

If you can, we really urge you to add as much variety as possible to your weekly plan - if you keep sending your body curveballs, you’ll challenge your muscle groups, increase the efficiency of each workout & stimulate your brain function

Introducing a High Intensity Interval Training session (HITT) is also the perfect way to complement & improve your Yoga practice - you’ll strengthen your body to cope with the more challenging poses, protect it against injury &, most important of all, you’ll be exercising your most vital muscle… your heart

Benefits to adding a HITT session:

  • An improvement in mood & energy levels

  • You’ll be better protected against colds & viruses, you'll also have an increased chance of avoiding longer term health issues

  • Your performance levels at work & at home will improve

But don't just take our word for it - give this FREE 15-minute session a trial - we challenge you not to feel better for it!

45-minute HITT sessions with Gyles Schedule:

Mondays 1-1.45pm

Wednesdays 12.12.45pm

Saturdays 8.30-9.30am

(Or to suit your timings via On Demand) 

£5/Live-streamed or On Demand class (free for those lovely NHS workers).

Book here

FREE 15-minute yoga with Cherry

Making time for yoga, when you have a house-full of people or pressing deadlines isn't easy. So we wanted to offer you a little gift from the lovely Cherry

Join her for a beautiful, mindful practice as she helps you ease away feelings of anxiety, overwhelm or fatigue.  It's our pleasure x

FREE YOGA - Click Here

Smart Tips

We've progressed so quickly in this new virtual world - a bit of an uphill battle at times, with many hold-your-breath moments, but with each week we've pushed ever so slightly forward! 

There are a few nuggets of insight we've learnt on this journey which may help with your experience as a receiver, which we thought we'd share with you:

  • Connect to your router - the closer you can get to your router the better; and if you can plug your device directly into it, you'll notice a big improvement.

  • Download Zoom 5 - we're currently streaming all our classes through Zoom.  A new version is now available.  You'll need to have transitioned to this version by the end of May.  Click here to download it now

  • Check your Audio settings to improve your sound - Click on the mic icon > Go to Audio Settings > Click on Advanced > Uncheck the tick box that says 'show in meeting option enable original sound' > Then Disable the top two boxes under - Suppress Persistent/Suppress Intermittent

  • Purchase some laptop speakers - A brilliant recommendation from one of our regular students who's bought a set of speakers for just over £12 to improve the sound their end.  Click here for the link

We'll be in touch over the coming weeks about our plans for the future, and once we've heard more about transitioning out of our lockdown lift... 

Until then, we'll look forward to seeing you in a virtual capacity very soon.

Gyles, Fiona & the Soulfit team x

Gyles Abbott